Goodbye UPIICSA, Goodbye Mexico
The last thing I did in software while I was still at the University were some programs in Processing3 which were clocks.
They may not be a big deal, but from the following months there were very dark moments in my family.
The title of the article could rather be called: "The last things I did living in Estado de Mexico before having to leave the University, my house, and part of my family."
I looked back and realized that almost all the software I had made up to now was not useful, it was just videogames or simple programs to learn a programming language. I wanted to make something useful and that I would like to use every day.
So, with the help of The Coding Train videos I learned to use Processing better and was able to make the following clocks.
At last I did something that I considered functional, for daily life. Different programs with different clock designs. Relojitos in English means: Little clocks.
I even discovered that there is Processing2 for Android and you can make programs like this and put it as a wallpaper. I obviously made one and put it in the background of my phone for a long time.
This is one of the few software that I will leave to download (For Windows, and it is only in Spanish).
Download Relojito.exeRel-ojitos
#Comedy-in-Spanish. (It's not Relojitos, it's Rel-ojitos. Ojitos means Little eyes).
I thought of other different clock designs so they wouldn't be so boring. One day I thought of a face sticking out its tongue. One eye would show the hour, the other the minutes and the tongue the seconds.
So I made the following program:
In the first image it is approximately 12:25:37, in the second it is 10:39:06 and in the last one it is 3:52:19.