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My First Web Page

My first website

Created in February 2020 just after finishing my Master in Web Programming with JavaScript and MEAN Stack.

I made it with my recent knowledge of Angular.

I wanted to make a page as fast as possible so I didn't focus so much on the design. I remember finishing it in less than 5 days.

At that time I still didn't know anything about PHP, I didn't know what "Responsive Design" was, I was just learning what a Host and a Domain were.

I had done almost no research on CSS, just what I remembered learning over the past few years.

This is the web page I made:

First Web Page

It was a fairly simple page, but at least I already had a place to upload my projects.

The "About me" section and the "Contact" section were very simple, for example, in the Contact section I had only put my email (no form).

It no longer exists today, but it was found at www.jennifergonzalezblog.com, quite a long name.

When I finished creating this page I started to study my PHP course.