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Android Learning

Second University - Mechatronics Engineering

I had already entered my second university, and although at this point I already preferred programming more than mechatronics, I wanted to give it a try. It was my opportunity to take that degree that I had wanted to enter as the first option in 2015.

The entire first year was online due to the pandemic.

In that first year we saw the fundamentals of programming with the C language. Although I already mastered the subject, I really liked this class since we had a great programming teacher. In fact, one of the best, if not the best professor I've had at my current university to date.

I already thought about starting to see programming for Android, but I still hadn't decided. It was thanks to this professor (how he taught his classes, almost with as much passion as Daniel Shiffman, well, maybe not so much πŸ˜„) that I began to consider studying Android.

Greetings to Professor Felipe Vega, which I still don't know in person haha πŸ–πŸ˜€.


Android is one of the most common Operating Systems for cell phones today, in addition to tablets, televisions, smart home appliances, etc.

Android Logo

I saw the need to learn Android programming because, although I already knew web programming, desktop programming, and video game programming, I wasn't generating any income so far. In fact, my plan was not to study a second university yet, but to start working for a while, raise money and then start a university. But my family pushed me almost by force. Oh well.

So, since I was already in college, I wasn't going to be able to work full time anywhere. Only in part-time jobs that did not have to do with programming.

So I thought: "Maybe by making apps and uploading them to Google Play, I could get some $pesos from time to time."

"How hard could it be to create an Android app?"

πŸ‘€ ...

Although it seems that here is the answer to a joke, the truth is that it was not difficult.

To program in Android you can use Java, so just by learning how the Android Studio IDE works, how an Android application works internally and some very specific things, I learned to program for Android in about 1 month, at least the essentials.

Practically everything I learned about Android was thanks to the course on the YouTube channel: LaGeekipediaDeErnesto. Although I also watched a few videos from the channel: PildorasInformaticas, with which I had also learned some Java in the past.